Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cleveland fans respond to LeBron's commercial. Yep, they're still pissed

Packers fan despise Brett Favre for signing with the rival Vikings, but Favre -- even before he was damaged goods -- was forced out of Green Bay by management ready to usher in a new era with a young quarterback.

Other sports stars have departed small market fans for more exposure and championship opportunities. Those left behind were angry, but moved on. Even when a young and upcoming Shaq deserted Orlando for Hollywood's riches, he was somewhat discreet about. It never felt like a slap in the Magic's face in front of 10 million television viewers.

So you can feel the pain Cleveland is still suffering from LeBron's departure by watching this video. They're so sad and confused by James' exit, that they had to make a professional and well done response to LeBron's Nike commercial.

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